Monday, February 2, 2009


I found these little toys in one of those crunchy-granola-we-only-dress-our-baby-in-cruelty-free-fair-trade-organic-cotton catalogues, fell in love with them and bought them even though my kids were clearly too old for such adorable nonsense.  They each got one for Christmas; I gave Jack the little carrot, Cate got the tomato and I gave Ava the pea pod because green is still her favorite color.  I have no idea where the carrot and tomato have gone, but Ava really took to the peapod baby and carries it everywhere.  She calls it her "Keeweed" which sounds like a combination of "kiwi" and "seaweed" and......yeah.  I have no idea where that came from, but I can totally picture a new line of collectible kids' toys: Do you have the latest KeeweedTM?  Get yours today!!

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